Monday, February 18, 2008

Cradle Cap: Easily Curable Skin Condition

Cradle Cap: Easily Curable Skin Condition

While extensive research is made on critical and chronic diseases, very less importance is given on the ailments that are harmless and does not require any serious treatment. Take cradle cap for example, it is a childhood disease, generally found among the newborn babies. It is marked by scaly, greasy skin rashes that appear automatically in course of time.

As it is not harmless and vanishes without any treatment, no extensive research has been made on its causes. After going through a lot of write-ups penned by some authoritative persons, I could come to know that it is not necessary to be enthusiastic about the cause of cradle cap as it can be kept well within control very easily. Along with the lotions made by commercial agencies, there are homely remedies for the disease.

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